
Evidence-Based Practice Resource Repository


Fall 2022


Aliza T Stein (McLean Hospital);
Andrew Guzick (Baylor College of Medicine);
Glenn Waller (The University of Sheffield);
Guillaume Foldes-Busque (Université Laval);
Jesse D. Kosiba (McLean Hospital);
Jolene Jacquart (University of Arizona);
Michelle Davis (Big Health);
Nicholas Farrell (NOCD)

Additional Info

Postbac and Undergraduate Contributors: Samantha Koshkarian (University of Arizona); Dakota A Dolister (University of Arizona); Bryan A McSpadden (University of Texas at Austin); Aeslyn Kail (University of Texas at Austin

Evidence-Based Practice Resource Repository

The Exposure Therapy Consortium's Evidence-Based Practice Resource Repository is a database of relevant peer-reviewed research articles, empirically supported clinical guides and treatment manuals, educational videos and tools, worksheets, handouts, and other resources that facilitate use of exposure therapy as an evidence-based practice for a wide range of presenting concerns. The resource repository aims to provide clinicians, instructors, and others a way to quickly locate useful information and tools to increase the delivery of effective exposure therapy.